Google Money Pro or G Money Pro is an ebook authored by Steven Holdaway. As I was skimming through his site I noticed a few spelling and grammatical error which are just minor by the way.
Anyway, the website is rather a lengthy testimonial on how he started. Like most internet marketers or similar sites, they all began as broke or on the verge or bankruptcy. Then he bought several ebooks on how google works and how to make money advertising with google adwords.
For some internet junkies like me, Steven was obviously talking about clickbank and affiliate marketing plus google adwords. But he didn't mention the clickbank part very well. Apparently, Steven's ebook contains step-by-step and easy to implement guide on how to harness the power of google adwords, in short internet marketing.
I have never ever bought a single ebook about internet marketing myself and because of the many bad reports I read online, I'm too scared to lose my money for a system that won't work for me. Most of the sites I came to review had a "Disclaimer" which further explains that one might not make money at all using their system. But G Money Pro doesn't have that disclaimer and he also claims that he is a certified google advertising professional which adds credibility to his book.
Oh, by the way, this is just a review of the website,, and not the product itself and I'm also not an affiliate of the product so I won't promote it either.
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