For the vast majority of computer users, Microsoft products are way too expensive. If you calculate the prices for all softwares you will need to have a safe and efficient working computer, it will amount equally to another computer set. Most people can't already afford to buy brand new CP so they resort to second-hand ones. So it's just practical to get a pirated software to go with their cheap PCs.
I'm not at all against Microsoft. Compared to IBM and Mac, Microsoft is more user-friendly. Although many are accusing MS for monopolizing the IT industry which I think is just right and therefore it seemingly gives them a grip on everybody which is not just and right. MS Softwares are plain unaffordable for average users.
And while many find it easier to get a pirated software without being arrested, it seems becoming right. Go to forums and you'll find that majority will say that they use pirated softwares or at least managed to tweak the trial version of a genuine product to extend their use.
But really, one doesn't have to steal or use pirated softwares if you can get it free. Most of us only know of Microsoft but there are similar softwares out there for free if you only know where to find them. For example you can go to Open Office and download the software for free. It
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